Patrick Lee and Veronica Casares-Lee are a dynamic artistic duo who have been married for 27 years and have dedicated over 25 of those years to being full-time artists.
Patrick is a self-taught sculptor and illustrator whose meticulous, detail-oriented work often tells compelling stories. His sculptures are rich in narrative and craftsmanship, reflecting his love for precision and depth. Veronica, who studied at Pratt Institute, is a multidisciplinary artist whose playful exploration of surfaces and vibrant colors, especially in her ceramic sculptures, sets her work apart. Her practice spans photography, painting, and ceramics, blending technical skill with a sense of joy and cultural influence.
Though they primarily work independently, Patrick and Veronica often collaborate on projects, sharing ideas and supporting each other’s growth. They also provide encouragement and problem-solving assistance during individual challenges. Together, they have built a thriving artistic practice while raising two children and contributing to the creative culture of their community.