Robin Daning is a full-time artist who has lived and worked in New Orleans since 2007. Her art has been in the Dutch Alley Artist’s Co-op since 2021 and in the BEE Gallery (previously in the FQ and now in Bay St. Louis) since 2011. Her pieces have been featured at numerous exhibits and shows in New Orleans and the surrounding area. You can also see her art on several of the utility boxes around New Orleans.
Robin works in several media including pen and ink, painting, and sculpture but is best known for her original art on dominoes. She treats each domino like a tiny canvas and paints a detailed image using a fine tipped pen and pigmented ink. To each domino she may add acrylic, pencil, resin, gypsum cement, and/or paper clay. She then seals, mounts, and frames the painted domino. Her pieces range from a single domino to large works with 1000--2000 dominoes.
See and purchase her art at Dutch Alley Artist's Co-op, BEE by the Bay Art Gallery and at Robin welcomes commissions so if you’d like to discuss a piece you’d like created please contact her at [email protected]